Frequently Asked Questions
Download a PDF of the FAQs
Resources Referenced
Common equipment, materials and supplies used in garden and cooking education.
Garden and kitchen best practices checklist for schools to complete at the beginning of each school year
Connections to National Standards
Connection to CCSS for garden and cooking based education.
Connection to NGSS for garden and cooking based education.
Connections to CDC health standards for garden and cooking based education
Culminating Community Event
How to plan a school-wide community event
Teaching Strategies
Tips for classroom management when teaching garden and cooking education
Assessment Tools
All of the assessment tools below can be used by an educator as a reflection tool to coach and guide a student or as an evaluation tool to measure if you are achieving the program goals.
Gardening Skills Observation Checklist
Use the table below to observe and note areas of strength and suggestions for improvement on each student’s development of the garden tools and behaviors learning objectives for gardening skills embedded in programming and curriculum of Emeril’s Culinary Garden & Teaching Kitchen.
Teacher resource to observe and note areas of strength and suggestions for improvement on each student’s development of the kitchen learning objectives for cooking skills embedded in the curriculum of Emeril’s Culinary Garden & Teaching Kitchen.
Cleaning Observation Checklist
Teacher resource to observe and note areas of strength and suggestions for improvement on each student’s development of the kitchen learning objectives for cleaning skills embedded in the curriculum of Emeril’s Culinary Garden & Teaching Kitchen.
Student Life Skills Observation Checklist
Teacher resource to observe and note areas of strength and suggestions for improvement on each student’s development of the Personal and Community Life Skills embedded in Emeril’s Culinary Garden & Teaching Kitchen. This tool is ideal for tracking change over time.
Class Life Skills Observation Checklist
Assessment tool for educators to observe and note areas of strength and suggestions for improvement on each student’s development of the Personal and Community Life Skills embedded in Emeril’s Culinary Garden & Teaching Kitchen. This tool is ideal for assessing multiple students in one class.
Readiness and Development Tools
Required planning templates and grade reporting forms for your program
School Partner Action Plan Template
Planning tool designed to help each school partner identify its implementation team, help the team set key schoolwide goals, plan the steps your team will take this year and into the future, decide who will be responsible for leading and supporting each project in support of the school year goal.
An editable timeline for your school’s action plan goals.
A copy of the annual grant report questions your school will be asked associated with your grant. Actual grant report forms will be sent via survey monkey and must be submitted electronically.
Annual grant budget report form. At the end of every school year, use the budget template to report on all project activities completed to date with Emeril’s Culinary Garden & Teaching Kitchen grant funds, and compare actual expenditures of foundation funds to your approved project budget.
Gardening and Cooking instructor sample job descriptions.
Tracking Garden Changes
Data tracking sheet for students to monitor plant growth, and insects in the garden.
Comparative Taste Test Chart with Sticky Dots
Teacher tool to measure student’s food preferences.
Student handout to expand upon the cultural, nutritional, and seasonal elements of a recipe, cooking lesson, or cooking concept lesson.
Designing Balanced Meals Featuring Whole Foods Cards
Flashcards for instuctors to print and use for student lessons about balanced meals
Impact Report
Check out our latest progress report and see how we’re growing together with our School Partners.